Theory of Living Systems
Theory and computing at the frontier of modern life science

Modern approaches to research in the life sciences are more quantitative than they have ever been. Across a broad spectrum of fields, the precision, fidelity, and resolution of available data only continues to improve year on year. This has so far proved transformative, leading to an increasing role for theory and computation, and raising the prospect of truly integrated approaches to the study of animate, living systems.
The Theory of Living Systems is a webcast seminar series and mailing list based out of Australia and New Zealand. The aim is to promote cutting edge research at the interface of theory, computation and life science.
We hope to encompass a broad range of traditional disciplines, including (but not limited to) biophysics, systems biology, mathematical ecology, active matter, computational neuroscience, collective behaviour, and much more.
Join us for an exploration of whole cell modelling and more, as the Theory of Living Systems presents a special talk series, in association with the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Mathematical Analysis of Cellular Systems.

What is the format?
TLS seminars have a broadly fixed format. The speaker is given 45 mins to speak, with 15 mins reserved for questions at the end.
How do I attend?
Sign up to the event you wish to attend with your email address in order to receive the secure link to the webinar.
Can I receive updates?
You can subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of the page.
The Theory of Living Systems is administered jointly by Richard Morris (UNSW), Lucy Ham (UniMelb) and Michael Stumpf (UniMelb).
You can contact us directly or using the adjacent web form. In order to receive updates and announcements regarding upcoming talks, please subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of our page. Please use an academic/institutional email address where possible.